Things You Need to Know About Karakul Lamb
Why did we select Karakul Sheep for our sheep farm in Virginia?

- Karakul lambs are the most beautiful lambs in the world.
They have a primary black gene, but they will also be born red, brown, silver, white, and spotted. Newborns have tight curls to wavy moire curls. Sheen to dull wool-and textures that are fine to coarse. - Lamb Pelts are Unique & Sought After.
Their pelts are sought after because they are rare to find and beautiful. - Fewer than 1000 live in the U.S.
Karakuls are a rare breed listed by “The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy.” We want to raise registered karakuls for breeding to guarantee their existence for future generations to raise and enjoy. - Manageable size!
They are medium-sized sheep. A size that Kathy can manage health care by herself. - Karakul's unique conformation and elegant appearance.
The Karakuls are called the “fat-tailed sheep.” In middle eastern deserts, the tail provides nourishment during drought and low foliage seasons. Since they are one of the oldest breeds in the world, their tails enabled them to survive since BC. Many cultures use tail fat for cooking. - Ewes are wonderful mothers.
They are easy Lambers, good mothers, great milkers. Some sheep breeds have larger heads which can make lambing difficult. The Karakuls slim nose reduces the chance of a difficult delivery. - Karakuls are smart! Good attitudes!
Karakuls are quick to learn personalities. You can train them to know their names, come when called, and jump on grooming stands when it’s time to clip hooves! Generally, they are very calm. Another reason why they have survived since BC! - Karakul Fleeces are Stunning Colors and Textures.
Karakuls offers a wide variety of fleece colors. Their fleece has been woven into Persian rugs for thousands of years. Now, there is renewed interest to create braided roving rugs. Thanks to Letty Klein and Ann Brown, authors of the book called “The Shepherd’s Rug.” Anyone can follow their instructions to braid a beautiful and practical rug. - Remember Grandma’s black Persian lamb coat?
Their pelts are used for “Persian lamb” coats. The only fur sheep in the world. Karakuls were first brought into the United States for the fur industry. Middle eastern countries still manufacture karakul coats but no longer in the US. - Fleece is easy to feel!
Their long coarse fibers are terrific for felt projects and knit to felt projects. Felt hats, outwear coats, vests, boots, and mittens helped mankind survive harsh weather for many years. Now spinners seek their fleece for their yarn projects. - Dual Purpose sheep
Karakuls lamb and mutton are very mild. Ethnic markets desire custom lamb cuts, and many ethnic groups are very familiar with the “fat-tailed” breed.
Additional Checkmate Farm videos about the Karakul sheep